
Otaku moyu讨论 | 贡献2021年4月13日 (二) 00:34的版本


  • Firefox或Safari:按住Shift的同时单击刷新,或按Ctrl-F5Ctrl-R(Mac为⌘-R
  • Google Chrome:Ctrl-Shift-R(Mac为⌘-Shift-R
  • Internet Explorer:按住Ctrl的同时单击刷新,或按Ctrl-F5
  • Opera:前往菜单 → 设置(Mac为Opera → Preferences),然后隐私和安全 → 清除浏览数据 → 缓存的图片和文件
/* 这里设置了Google Font */

@import url(';600&family=Noto+Serif+JP:wght@400;600&family=Noto+Serif:wght@400;600&display=swap');

/* Changes the default font used for MediaWiki to Noto Sans (does not include headings or monospaced text): */
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/* Changes the default font used for MediaWiki headings to Noto Serif: */
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/* 这里放置的CSS将应用于所有皮肤 */

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/* 这里规定了分Tab的模块的样式 */

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/* This will style the div that contains the whole tabber object. Generally this can be left alone. */
body .tabberlive {

/* This will style each tab's content area. */
body .tabberlive .tabbertab {

/* This is the box that surrounds all the tabs. */
body ul.tabbernav {

/* This is a box that surrounds each of the tabs. */
body ul.tabbernav li {

/* This is the style for the tabs, parts of this can be overridden for the current tab with the next selector */
body ul.tabbernav li a,
body ul.tabbernav li a:link,
body ul.tabbernav li a:visited,
body ul.tabbernav li a:hover {

/* This is the style for the currently selected tab */
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body ul.tabbernav li.tabberactive a:link,
body ul.tabbernav li.tabberactive a:visited,
body ul.tabbernav li.tabberactive a:hover {

/* 反白用样式 */

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